What Are the Benefits of Hypnosis

drop of water in a puddle

In all likelihood, you have a certain picture of what hypnosis is like. Popular media, like television shows and movies, have portrayed hypnosis in a very specific way. It is often portrayed as an almost out-of-body experience, where you don't have any control over your body and words. In truth, these portrayals are inaccurate and create a misconception about hypnosis. In reality, you are fully aware of your actions and words and are in control of them.

Hypnosis is often more one-sided than what practicing clinicians use. Instead, we refer to hypnosis as hypnotherapy, which is more aligned with the therapeutic world. Hypnotherapy can help individuals unlock their true potential and heal when done correctly. Here are just some of the benefits of hypnotherapy.

Getting to the Root Cause

Talk therapy, or traditional therapy, is fantastic because it allows individuals to process and talk through the issues they are facing. Admittedly, talk therapy isn't always appropriate for every single person. Sometimes, to unleash the greatest potential for healing, you really need to be able to dig deep into the human mind.

One of the greatest benefits of hypnotherapy is that it allows clients to do just that. Hypnotherapy dives deep beneath the surface and helps people unlock memories and parts of themselves that they didn't know were holding them back. While talk therapy focuses on the conscious mind, hypnotherapy's purpose is to start a conversation with the subconscious mind.

It Breaks Through Mental Health Challenges

To say mental health is complex would be an understatement. As humans, our lived experience is made up of many different factors. You have to account for biological, environmental, past experiences, life viewpoints, and so much more. It's a complicated web, to say the least.

The human brain is designed to favor the side that focuses on analysis and critical thinking. While this is always a good thing, at times, this can hold us back because we focus a lot on the bigger picture instead of the smaller elements. Hypnotherapy allows the human mind to bypass the analytical side and get to the root cause of what is impacting our lives.

Hypnotherapy can help with a variety of issues related to mental health, including:

  • Stress reduction

  • Anxiety management

  • Phobias

  • Pain management

  • Insomnia

  • Increased self-confidence

Additionally, hypnotherapy can help clients who are facing a number of issues, including:

  • Substance abuse

  • Relationship issues (family, platonic, or romantic)

  • Behavioral addictions

Hypnotherapy Looks At Mental Health Differently

Another benefit to hypnotherapy is that it approaches mental health slightly differently than traditional talk therapy. In traditional therapy sessions, counselors are able to help clients understand their difficulties in a new light. However, this can have limitations and often does not allow for lasting emotional and behavioral changes. In contrast, hypnotherapy unlocks a deeper and buried part of your mind.

As a practicing hypnotherapist, I believe that all clients hold the key to their own inner healing and growth. In sessions, it is not the therapist who guides the sessions but the client. With this, we are able to pinpoint what direction to go to help reveal the locked areas of a person's subconscious.

Why Choose Hypnotherapy?

As powerful as hypnotherapy is, digging deeper into your subconscious mind gives you the most benefits and potential for healing and growth. While many people are typically skeptical about hypnosis, it is a scientifically proven method that many mental health organizations support.

If you are interested in learning more about hypnotherapy, don't hesitate to reach out to learn more about my services, and I can help you on your journey.


Spirituality & Mental Health Go Hand-In-Hand