
Looking For New Pathways To Your Inner Strength And Wisdom?

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Are you tired of living at the mercy of your struggles—whether you suffer from anxiety, a phobia, or post-traumatic stress?

Is there a pattern or habit in your life you want to break? Or a function you’d like to improve, including your memory or ability to focus?

Do you want to connect with your inner resources to overcome the burden of physical, emotional, or relational pains in your life?

Any circumstance, pain, or pattern that is influenced by the mind is a condition that can be helped with hypnotherapy. Whether you’re looking to alleviate fear, change a habit, or gain self-confidence by developing new skills and talents, hypnotherapy can be beneficial for a wide range of mental, physical, and relational health issues. Furthermore, hypnotherapy fosters a deeper, more authentic connection with the self, thereby improving your stress level and attitude. 

As a certified practitioner of Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy, I am passionate about helping clients explore and navigate challenges using their inner resources. I have implemented hypnotherapy into treatment for trauma-related mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and PTSD, as well as more specific concerns, including weight loss, smoking cessation, and pain management. The benefits of clinical hypnosis are endless, and as a qualified clinician, I look forward to integrating hypnotherapy when appropriate.

So, What Exactly Is Hypnotherapy?

To some, the concepts of hypnotherapy and hypnosis can seem intimidating, farfetched, or unfamiliar—yet the truth is that all of us live our lives in trance-like states. It becomes second nature to go through the motions of the day, whether we’re driving, putting in another day’s work, or accomplishing everyday tasks. But the value of hypnosis lies in becoming focused and aware of ourselves in an intentional, therapeutic way. 

Clinical hypnosis and hypnotherapy are effective and demonstrated methods of accessing inner wisdom. Through this practice, you have the opportunity to become aware of your inner programming as you locate and develop your innate resources to improve the quality of your life. 

What Is The Difference Between Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy?

Though hypnosis and hypnotherapy are closely related, hypnotherapy is typically more interactive and done by a licensed clinician, offering you ample time and support to explore and process. Drawing from a deep knowledge of trauma’s impact on the mind and body, a qualified hypnotherapist knows how to facilitate a safe process that will allow you to develop a deepened connection and understanding of what is going on beneath the surface. 

Hypnosis, on the other hand, is far more one-sided and not always done in a clinical setting. If hypnotherapy is performed by someone without extensive training in mental health and traumatic memories, clients can run the risk of becoming retraumatized in the process. 

Who Can Benefit From Hypnotherapy?

As mentioned, hypnotherapy can be useful for just about any symptom, condition, or goal that is influenced by the mind. In particular, deeper, uncovered wounds due to trauma can be accessed more readily through hypnosis as it bypasses the analytical, thinking side of the brain and gets straight to the core issue. 

In addition to trauma-specific issues, hypnotherapy has been proven to help those looking to overcome:

  • Phobias

  • Anxiety, including performance anxiety or fear of public speaking

  • Grief

  • Smoking/nicotine addiction

  • Overeating

  • Teeth grinding

  • Nail biting

  • Pain, including preparing for childbirth

Hypnotherapy makes it possible to quickly get to the root of the issue, offering clients increased insight into themselves and others. There are also added benefits, including increased memory, concentration, creativity, and performance.

Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy Through My Practice

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I am a certified Heart-Centered Hypnotherapist through The Wellness Institute. Approaching hypnotherapy from a dynamic perspective, the Heart-Centered framework acknowledges that each of us possesses the key to our own individual healing. [https://www.wellness-institute.org/blog/what-exactly-is-heart-centered-hypnotherapy] From this perspective, it is my job as a therapist to create a bridge between the conscious and unconscious parts of the self so that a new understanding can be achieved.

The Wellness Institute has also provided me with training specifically for hypnotherapy as it pertains to weight loss. Because emotional eating habits often result from triggering or life-changing events, my certification as a Trim Life® hypnotherapist can specifically help those battling emotional eating habits and weight fluctuation. [https://www.wellness-institute.org/trim-life-weight-loss-program]

What To Expect In A Hypnotherapy Session

I always individualize the treatment process to each client’s needs and goals for therapy, often incorporating a wide range of talk therapies and trauma-informed modalities. If clinical hypnosis is integrated, you can expect to spend 75 to 90 minutes in a session, beginning with identifying a goal or issue that you would like to work on.

From there, you will be guided into a deeply relaxed state where you will have the opportunity to locate the source of your challenge as you discover new connections and overcome old blocks. In this place, old, unexpressed emotions can be felt, processed, and released, clearing the way for healthier beliefs and decisions to take root. This process fosters new inner resources, an improved stress response, and a more profound self-understanding.

You are always in control and aware of your surroundings so that you can fully participate throughout this process. Following the session, you are likely to experience more clarity about your past and feel more empowered in regard to your present and future.

Hypnotherapy is a safe, natural, and comfortable way to transform your thoughts and feelings at the deepest level. As you unlock your potential throughout our sessions, you can take steps toward living the life you want and becoming who you want to be.

Common Questions About Clinical Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy

Who can be hypnotized?

Hypnosis is safe for the vast majority of the population. Exceptions include those who suffer from a significant mental impairment and/or serious medical issues for which hypnotherapy is not advised. It’s also unsafe to be hypnotized while under the influence of recreational drugs, including alcohol.

What does it feel like to be hypnotized?

As a state of mind—rather than a state of body—hypnosis usually isn’t accompanied by any particular physical sensations. Rather, it’s likely you will experience deep relaxation, heaviness or lightness in the limbs, tingling, changes in temperature, or a “floating” feeling. Time also becomes distorted for most clients, with a typical hour-long session that feels much shorter. That said, the hypnotic state is lucid—clients are able to hear and talk freely.

man at sunrise with arms up

What is the difference between hypnotherapy and psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy works primarily at the conscious level of the mind, which allows clients to have a logical or analytical understanding of their challenges—but it doesn’t always result in lasting emotional or behavioral change. Therapeutic hypnotherapy, on the other hand, bypasses the conscious, “thinking” mind, allowing clients to access their deepest wisdom and inner guidance to facilitate lasting change.

Healing Comes From Within

If you are struggling with the effects of trauma, grief, fear, or negative patterns in your life, Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy honors your inner gifts and resources as you clear out the old and make way for the new. For more information about how I can help or to schedule a clinical hypnosis session with me, contact me.

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