How to Free Yourself from Anxiety and Embrace the Joy of Each Day

It may often feel as though the happenings of the world are beyond your control. From pandemics to protests, there are things that occur in our society all the time that can trigger feelings of anxiety. 

Personal issues do not necessarily help to bring peace and comfort either. Perhaps you struggle with anxiety from work or a relationship. 

Whatever the case, that “lack of control” idea can make you feel as though you are trapped or shackled by your anxiety. But the things you can control are how you handle triggering situations every day. 

When you are able to free yourself from anxiety, you can start to embrace the joy each day has to offer. Have a positive influence on your daily life with some of the suggestions listed here. 

Be Grateful

If you are feeling overwhelmed by all of the “bad” in the world or in your personal life, pause and think about the things you are grateful for. Or even take it a step further and create an actual gratitude list that you can continuously add to and look back on. 

People don’t show enough gratitude, in general. It is far too easy to get caught up in other things and forget about the things we are thankful for. But reminding yourself of those things on a daily basis can help to calm some of your worries. Whether you’re thankful for a friend, a nice day, or a steady job, these things can help you to feel calmer and happier. 

Don’t Isolate Yourself

One of the best things you can do to free yourself from anxiety is to stay connected with others. Thankfully, even during pandemics and beyond that is possible. 

It is easy to feel as though you are alone when you’re struggling with anxiety. Talking with someone you care about can help you realize that is not the case. Not only can the support of a loved one provide comfort, but you may find out that they are dealing with struggles of worry and fear too. 

They may be able to provide support and insight into how you can make the most of each day, rather than constantly living in a state of worry. Even just sharing your concerns and how you are feeling can help you to feel better. So do not let your anxiety keep you quiet if you genuinely want to open up. 

Write Down Your Worries

One way to actively watch yourself breaking free from anxiety is to write down the things that worry you the most. Make a list of your fears, and keep it somewhere safe. Once a week, take that list out and review it again. 

Have any of the fears faded? Are there things you feel better about today than you did before? As you work on embracing the joy of each day, those fears may become less important and less prominent in your life. Once they do, you can start to cross them off that list. 

Being able to cross a fear off can give you a renewed sense of hope, strength, and happiness. It will provide you with the motivation to keep embracing joy each day, knowing that you absolutely can get past your anxiety. 


If you are still struggling with anxiety and you feel as though it has you trapped, feel free to contact me. Together, we can work on more strategies that will help you to take back the reins of your own life. In doing so, you can once again start to settle into the joy of each day, rather than the worries that might currently plague your mind. 


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