The Art of Embracing Uncertainty


As human beings, we tend to yearn for certainty and control. When we feel like we have control of a situation, it helps bring about a sense of power and comfort. But what happens when we can't have control over a situation? How do we cope when uncertainty surrounds us?

If the past year has proven anything, it's that uncertainty can strike at any time. Many things will fall out of our control in the blink of an eye. Instead of panicking or worrying about uncertainty, you can implement these steps to begin embracing and possibly even enjoying it.

Focus On What Is In Your Control

Some people get through their days knowing that every little thing is in place. When you can't have control over every little thing, however, it may lead to feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. By focusing on what is in your control — even if it's just one small thing — you can feel more powerful and stave off feelings of uncertainty.

The pandemic has shifted many of our lives and forced us to reconsider the things we can and can't control. Consider your life as it is right now: what do you have full control over? It can be something as simple as what you'll have for dinner or what book you'll start reading. By focusing on the little things, you can reestablish a small but powerful sense of control and more easily let go of the more uncertain things.

Try to See Uncertainty as a Motivator

Many people don't like uncertainty as it infringes on their ability to plan. But what if you shifted the way you think about uncertainty and instead saw it as a window for dozens of opportunities and possibilities?

Instead of focusing on what uncertainty hinders in your life, think about the doors it can open. You may not know where you'll be in a year, but this doesn't have to be a bad thing. Maybe you'll start a new job, move to a new city, or adopt a new pet. By embracing the possibilities that uncertainty offers, you're opening yourself up to new and exciting opportunities that you otherwise may have never considered.

Be More Conscious of Your Thoughts

Uncertainty can often lead to feelings of worry and anxiety. Once anxious thoughts start, it's hard to slow them down. It's easy to find yourself down a rabbit hole of worry — but these thoughts aren't productive or helpful.

While it's not possible to eliminate every intrusive thought that pops into our minds, it is possible to redirect our train of thought. When you start to worry about uncertain aspects of your life, take a step back. Is there a small step you can take to begin solving the issue? If the answer is yes, redirect your train of thought to how you can solve the issue. If the answer is no, then redirect your thoughts from the subject altogether and focus on something that you can do in the moment that will bring you a better feeling.

By being mindful of your thought process, you can save yourself from falling down that rabbit hole of intrusive thoughts. It's easy to get caught up in the "what-ifs," but if you don't have an answer right now, you'll just bring on unnecessary anxiety. Your life won't be filled with uncertainty forever, and there's no point in wasting energy on things we simply can't control.

Take Things One Step at a Time

If you enjoy moving at a fast pace, taking things slowly can feel incredibly draining. However, the art of embracing uncertainty involves taking things one step at a time. Instead of speeding through one issue and moving onto the next, you can take your time working through it.

You may not always have control over every aspect of your life. Things happen, life changes, and you've got to roll with the punches. As you take things one step at a time and learn to go with the flow, you may also find that your life feels more balanced and less stressed.

Please read more about anxiety treatment and reach out soon for a consultation. Sessions with a compassionate and experienced professional can help guide and support you. Let's talk soon.


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