When Your Relationships Has Been Tainted by Infidelity – 3 Keys for Recovery


Any relationship will go through its fair share of struggles. One of the biggest things that can taint a relationship, however, is infidelity. When you commit to being faithful to someone, you expect the same commitment in return.

If you've discovered that infidelity has rocked your relationship, you're likely experiencing a wide range of emotions—betrayal, fear, sadness, anger, and disappointment, just to name a few. You're also probably stuck on one very important question: What do I do now?

There is no easy way to move forward from infidelity. But there are three keys to keep in mind to make the journey towards recovery a little bit easier.

Key #1: Don't Push Yourself Too Hard

Infidelity completely shakes your relationship as you know it. Suddenly, you don't know whether you can ever trust your partner again.

The journey to recovery is not going to come easily, so you must be patient with yourself along the way. Give yourself time to figure out what you want to do next. Do you want to stay in the relationship? Or do you want to end it? There is no right or wrong answer, and it'll take time for you to fully realize what you want to do.

While you're figuring out your emotions, be kind to yourself. Don't push yourself too hard. You won't have all of the answers right away—and that's okay. You shouldn't stay with your partner out of obligation, but you also shouldn't be ashamed to stay if that's what you want to do. The decision is up to you; take your time with it.

Key #2: Make Sure Your Partner Knows What They've Done Wrong

When someone cheats in a relationship, we assume that the perpetrator feels guilty and full of remorse. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. All too often a cheating partner isn't remorseful about the infidelity itself—they're remorseful about getting caught.

For your relationship to truly recover, your partner needs to have genuine regret—showing remorse over the infidelity itself, remorse that they hurt you, and remorse that they broke a promise to you.

It's not easy to trust a partner after they've cheated on you. It may take years before you fully trust them again. However, you'll certainly never be able to regain that trust if they don't realize just how badly they've messed up. If they don't realize the emotional depth of the situation, then it's very likely that they'll cheat again in the future.

Key #3: Forgiveness Is Essential

If your partner has been unfaithful, it is likely the biggest breach of trust that you've ever experienced. Because infidelity is so drastic, you may never be able to move past it. So, if you aren't able to ever fully forgive your partner, that's okay. It's completely understandable, and it's best you move on.

However, if you want to mend your relationship and move forward, forgiveness is a must. All too often, people take back their unfaithful partners without fully forgiving them. You owe it to yourself to be with someone whom you fully trust. If you're constantly worried that your partner is having another affair, then you won't be very happy in the relationship.

It is possible to move forward with a once-unfaithful partner—but only if both partners are on the same page when it comes to trust and forgiveness.


After infidelity rocks your relationship, the journey to recovery will be difficult. However, it is possible to move forward and get back to the same level of trust you once had.

If you don't think you can do it alone, seriously consider finding a couples counselor. Not only will a counselor help get you through dealing with the infidelity, but they can help you pinpoint potential underlying issues too. A counselor can also give you and your partner genuine advice for moving forward as a couple.

Ultimately, if your partner has been unfaithful, it's up to you to decide what to do next. Just remember that you aren't alone and that there are resources that can help get you through it. Consider work with a couples counselor to aid in your recovery and make the journey immensely easier!


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